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God is our refuge Christian BookRoom
2019 Gospel Calendars
Christian Book Room Gospel Tracts
Christian Book Room Books
Christian Book Room Gospel Posters
Christian Book Room Gospel Witness
Christian Book Room Cards

Christian Book Room

Christian Book Room Hong Kong
Welcome to Christian Book Room

 What is it? What does it do?

         Christian Book Room (CBR) is China's oldest, gospel-publishing ministry. Having commenced in China, Christian Book Room has maintained an unbroken operation throughout China and South East Asia for nearly a century.

       A summary of the diversity of what we actually do at Christian Book Room can perhaps provide some information and insight that may result in your valued prayers for us.

       Apart from our well-known "Treasury New Testament" and "Treasury of Praise Hymn Book," along with the Chinese translation of the "Believer's Hymn-Book," our other distinctive ministries are:

A Collection Depot for Bibles & Literature 


The Gospel Heart Series

The Gospel Witness

Other Book Rooms

Pray for us!

Christian Book Room 2019 Calendars 基督福音書局 2019福音月曆

           One of the projects very near to our heart is Christian Book Room's annual calendar ministry. Hundreds of thousands of calendars (samples available upon request) provide a constant source of refreshment and gospel stimulus because of the very clear monthly gospel message. The "Light & Love Calendar" is for both itinerant evangelists and illiterate villagers, who readily grasp the graphic monthly illustrated message.

Christian Book Room Gospel Witness

           Our Chinese version of "The Gospel Witness" reaches into many of China's provinces through a network of five inland producers.

Christian Book Room Hong Kong
A Collection Depot for Bibles & Literature

         Most Christian Book Room publications are offered free of charge to full-time evangelists, pastors and needy believers. A steady stream of visitors visit our Hong Kong warehouses each week for our distinctive gospel materials in order to transport them into the 30+ provinces and municipalities of China.

Christian Book ROom Gospel Heart Series

          This well-known material, "The Heart Series," is based upon Jeremiah 17:9, John 3:16 and Matthew 13. Hundreds of thousands of these three books have been distributed freely in classical and simplified Chinese character, along with other languages- Korean, Tibetan, Miao-Hmong, Vietnamese, Burmese, Tagalog, Indonesian and Malaysian, as well as Indian and African dialects. [I have just returned from the Burma - Thai border region where the Karen Burmese have been savagely decimated by a brutal military seeking to wipe them out entirely. Evangelists, pastors and elders tell us that the Heart Series (which has just now been translated into Karen) is just what is needed to minister to traumatised hearts! J.A. Short]

Other Book Rooms

         We sponsor the commencement of new Book Rooms, and in some cases their continuance if the environment is not only difficult, but actually hostile, for disseminating gospel materials. We are currently operating in seven provinces and supply more than fifteen Book Rooms with difficult-to-obtain gospel materials.

          Christian Book Room welcomes others who may have an interest, and who are able to offer valuable practical help, to be associated in any of the above projects.

Pray for us!

P.S. We have a team of about 20 full-time and part-time volunteers who operate daily in our four warehouses.

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