"The Word of the Lord endureth forever."
1 Peter 1:25
Books of the Bible 聖經書卷

The Challenge of JOHN’S GOSPEL
A handy pocket size of The Gospel according to John in NKJV, with a short note from CBR at the front and back
published by CBR

约翰福音的挑战 (简体)
小巧呎吋的约翰福音, 另在书前及后印有一則CBR的短笺

The Challenge of ACTS
A handy pocket size of The Acts of the Apostle in NKJV, with a short note from CBR at the front
published by CBR

使徒行传的挑战 (简体)
小巧呎吋的使徒行传, 另在书前印有一則CBR的短笺

The Challenge of ROMANS
A handy pocket size of The Epistle Of Paul The Apostle To The ROMANS in NKJV, with a short note from CBR at the front
published by CBR
Our books, cards, tracts and materials are available free of charge. We appreciate however your donation towards cost of production and postage (Official receipt issued).
基督福音書局內的書藉、咭、單張及材料㫮是免費提供。 我們歡迎你對成本及郵費的捐獻 (可提供收據)。