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The CBR Series Books

The CBR Series are books published or reprinted by Christian Book Room.

Christian Book Room

A Few Hid Treasures Found in the Greek New Testament

by G.C. Willis

More to be Desired are they than Gold, Yea, Than much fine Gold

published by CBR

Beautiful Grace

​by G.C. Willis

Meditations in Galatians

published by CBR

Blind Chang

The Christian Martyr of Manchuria

published by CBR

Children’s Scriptural Colouring Book

published by CBR

Christian Witness: At Home And Abroad

​by Rowland C. Edwards

1. The Great Comission

2. The Leading of the Spirit

3. The Word of the Lord

4. The Christian's Two-fold Call

published by CBR

Christ The Centre

by Charles Stanley

or Why Do We Meet In His Name Alone

published by CBR

Divine Headships of The Bible

by W.E. Vine, M.A.

Divine Headships of The Bible or Whence This Authority?

published by CBR

Enjoying Ecclesiastes

by William MacDonald

published by Walterick Publishers

printed by CBR

(printed previously under the title "Chasing the Wind," by Moody Press)

Epistle to the Ephesians The Church at Thessalonica ​

by J. G. Bellett

published by CBR

God’s Way of Electing Souls to Eternal Life as Revealed in His Word

by M.S.B.

Glad Tidings for Everyone

published by CBR

Greasy the Robber   

translated by Charles Lukesh

Fascinating Story of the Salvation of a Robber Band

published by CBR

Guide-Posts to the Cross

by O.B. Sarber, M.A

No. 1: Abel's Altar

published by Children's Special Service Mission

printed by CBR

How to Mark Your Bible

by Mrs. Stephen Menzies

prefactory note by D.L. Moody

published by CBR

Hymns Their Use and Abuse

by Alfred P. Gibbs

published by CBR

Incidents of Gospel Work or The Way the Lord Hath Led me

by Charles Stanley

published by CBR

Leviticus for Lambs

by Arthur Smith

published by CBR


by Kristina Roy

Martinko or "Without God in the World"

published by CBR

Musings on Epistle to Hebrews

by J.G. Bellett

published by CBR

Office Gift & Priesthood

by A. J. Pollock

Office in the early Church

Gift and its heavenly ordination

Priesthood the privilege of all believers


published by CBR

Our Lord’s Appointed Feast

by Norman C.Deck, B.D.S

A Short Inquiry into the Meaning and Significance of the Words "This is my Body ... this is by Blood"


published by CBR

Out of His Treasure

by William Hoste

A Selection Of Twenty Devotional Chapters

published by CBR

Sacrifices of Joy

by G. Christoper Willis

Being Meditations on Philippians

published by CBR

(originally published by The British Gospel Book Association)

Scriptural Principles Of Gathering

by Alfred P. Gibbs


Why I Meet Among Those Known As Brethren

An address delivered at Vancouver, B.C., Canada

published by CBR

Simple Talks on the Tabernacle

by D.K. Dolman

published by CBR

Soul Food – Devout Themes for the Quiet Hour

published by CBR

Tales from the Middle Kingdom

by A.F. & G.C. Willis

Stories of China

published by CBR

The Continual Burnt Offering – Daily Meditations on the Word of God

by H. A. Ironside

Daily Meditations on the Word of God

Revised Edition with Scripture Readings from the New King James Version

published by Loizeaus Brothers, Inc.

reprinted by CBR

The Divine Plan of Missions

by W.E. Vine

published by CBR

The Gospel We Preach

by George Goodman

The Gospel We Preach or The Beauty of the Christian Faith

published by CBR

The Kingdom of God & The Kingdom of Heaven

by Earl Miller

A Concise treatise on the Kingdom of God , showing the difference between it and the Kingdom of Heaven, and pointing out the terminus toward which God is moving when evil will have been so completely judged and put away that the coming eternal state can be guaranteed never to see evil

published by CBR

The Law Of The Leper

Leviticus, 13 and 14

by G. C. Willis

And such were some of you:

But ye are washed, But ye are sanctified, But ye are justified

in the name of the LORD JESUS, and by the Spirit of our God

1 Corinthians 6:11

published by CBR

The Life that Pleases God

by Dr. A.T. Schofield

A Practical Treatise on the Preservation of the Spirit, and Soul, and Body


published by CBR

The Lord From Heaven

by Sir Robert Anderson

published by CBR

This Tremendous Lover

by R. Moffat Gautrey

An Exposition of the “Hound of Heaven” 

published by CBR

Thoughts and Suggestions on the Book of Ruth

by H.G. Moss

published by CBR

Treasures from Ruth

by Charles Stanley

published by CBR

Will a God of Love Punish Any of His Creatures For Ever

by Alex. Marshall

The Love of God - The Justice of God - Evil of Sin - Unpardonable Sin - Death - Life - Immortality - Extinction - Universalism - Annihilation - Larger Hope - Salvation

published by CBR

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