"The Word of the Lord endureth forever."
1 Peter 1:25

There are many gospel tracts in Christian Book Room available in English, Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese and other Asian languages for outreach and ministry.
Please use our Tracts Online Order Form if you would like to order these tracts.
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Be still and know that I am God
Between the Two Church
Go Quickly
God’s Prophetic Plan by John R.Ecob D.D.
He Made It Again
My Missionary Mottoes by J.A.Short
The Gift and the Fullness of the Spirit by R.A.Laidlaw
The Missionary Mandate for Everyone by John G. Ridley
The One Cut
Our books, cards, tracts and materials are available free of charge. We appreciate however your donation towards cost of production and postage (Official receipt issued).
List of Chinese Tracts 中文單張清單 : (㸃擊單張名字可以閱讀)
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